What I missed at TOSRV

I had to miss TOSRV, but friend Paul sent me a report:

“Saturday was perfect weather. It was in the 60s and low 70s with a tailwind all day. The only downside to the day was a rash of flats. As a group we had 4. Riding at 24-26 mph was effortless. I did lots of sections at 28+. Sunday was 50s and driving rain with a quartering tail/side wind. It went okay but was not particularly fun.”

Sadly, there was a fatality on the ride. On Hwy 23 an SUV driver hit a rider from behind, left the scene, and later returned. Keep the cyclist’s friends and family in your thoughts and prayers. And come to the Ride of Silence Wednesday, and add to the numbers of cyclists who will remember others who have been injured or killed while riding a bicycle.

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